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Jim Bradshaw

Andrew Gamble made impact in Vermilion Parish

Some people say the Andrew community just south of Indian Bayou in Vermilion Parish was named for Andrew Gamble, one of two brothers who settled in the area in the late 1800s. Others claims it was named for a young boy who just happened to be sitting in a card game when the name was chosen. It might have been named for both of them, using different names at different times.

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Bryan Golden

Effective Communications

Communicating effectively is essential for getting your ideas across, being understood, and being able to convey what you need or want. Effective communicators enjoy many benefits. They build trust, prevent or resolve problems, are clearly understood, have better interpersonal relationships, and have less frustration and stress. Poor communications result in distrust, misunderstandings, stress, people doing the wrong thing, anger, and bitterness.

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Jim Bradshaw

Did Coolidge eat his Rice-O-La?

When planter, politician and entrepreneur Henri Gueydan began to manufacture his Rice-O-La breakfast cereal in 1923, he also launched an advertising campaign that could have been the inspiration for the flamboyant Hadacol promotions decades later.
The campaign might have been anticipated. The son of town builder Jean Pierre Gueydan unveiled his plans to produce the cereal amid much hoopla in a well-publicized meeting in Crowley.

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Jim Bradshaw

A distinctive sound of history

If I had to nominate one sound that epitomized the history of south Louisiana, I would be mightily tempted to suggest the chuff-chuff, chuff-chuff, chuff-chuff-chuff of a steam locomotive leaning into its load as it pulled out of a depot or freight yard.
The railroad opened the prairies to new settlements and brought modern times to old towns, and steam locomotives made it happen. They are inexorably linked with who we are and how we got (sometimes literally) to be where we are. They were the engines of commerce for more than a century.

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Bryan Golden

What Voice Do You Listen To?

You have an inner voice which is always speaking to you. Your voice may offer encouragement or it could be disheartening. Not only are you free to choose which one you listen to, you also determine, either consciously or subconsciously, what is being said. So, you decide what your voice says and whether or not to listen to it.


Vermilion Today

Abbeville Meridional

318 N. Main St.
Abbeville, LA 70510
Phone: 337-893-4223
Fax: 337-898-9022

The Kaplan Herald

219 North Cushing Avenue
Kaplan, LA 70548

The Gueydan Journal

311 Main Street
Gueydan, LA 70542